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How BIOBES is functioning:

In order to supply good quality products to our clients, it is important to have good quality raw products. In this context BIOBES is applying the following forms of collaboration:

a) Cultivation of medicinal and aromatic plants in the plots of BIOBES

  • ▪ In 2019, BIOBES planted an area of 45 ha with medicinal and aromatic plants in its own plots.
  • ▪ Most of cultivated plots are certified according to EU organic standard and NOP organic standard.
  • ▪ Cultivation is planned according to the demand of our clients.
  • ▪ BIOBES has capacities to increase the cultivated area if the demand of our clients grows.

Herbs Collection

b) Cultivation of medicinal and aromatic plants in contracted farms

  • ▪ BIOBES collaborates with 14 farmers that cultivate exclusively for our company in a total area of 85 ha with medicinal and aromatic plants.
  • ▪ The collaboration is based on equity sharing, mutual interest and trust.
  • ▪ Social approach, gender equity and youth employment are in the focus of our company.
  • ▪ Farms contracting and planting structure are planned based on the demand of our clients.
  • ▪ Medicinal and aromatic plants are cultivated close to their natural habitats.
  • ▪ Organic production of medicinal and aromatic plants is growing year by year.
  • ▪ We support the farmers with inputs, seeds and technical assistance for cultivation of medicinal and aromatic plants.
  • ▪ BIOBES is subsidizing the production costs, agricultural inputs and seeds for some of contracted farms that are included in a project called “Your farm”.

Wild Collection

c) Wild collection of MAPs in areas that are managed by BIOBES

  • ▪ BIOBES is managing 3 important areas of wild collection of MAPs in a total surface of 1,400 ha.
  • ▪ These areas and the medicinal and aromatic plants are certified as organic according to EU standard and NOP standard.
  • ▪ 80 rural families harvest medicinal and aromatic plants of wild flora exclusively for BIOBES.
  • ▪ BIOBES has invested in drying and post-harvest technologies of MAPs close to the collection areas.

Herbs Processing

d) Wild collection and consolidation of MAPs from harvesters and regional collectors.

  • ▪ BIOBES collaborates only with regional collectors of medicinal and aromatic plants of wild flora that respect the harvesters, the principles of sustainable collection and environmentally friendly practices.
  • ▪ 300 families from rural areas benefit from this collaboration.
  • ▪ Presence in all the regions of Albania of wild collection of MAPs.
  • ▪ A model of centralized drying points of MAPs is being developed.
  • ▪ Organic collection of spontaneous flora is a priority.

Herbs Processing

e) Cluster, as an efficient organization form for the improvement of MAPs quality, enhancement of cultivation and sustainability of wild flora

  • ▪ In 2019, BIOBES initiated the foundation of cluster, an organization that includes harvesters of wild MAPs, farmers that cultivate MAPs, regional collectors, experts of the public and private sector, and representatives of the Municipalities.
  • ▪ The objective of this organization is that all the involved stakeholders can closely collaborate for the improvement of MAP’s quality and sustainability of spontaneous flora.